The Tuscany of Pinocchio

A beautiful little sky-blue carriage

The land of toys

The fruits of gold
................. The Field of Miracles

"And in this field you dig a little hole and you bury a gold coin, for example. And then you cover up the hole with a little earth and you water it with two pails of fountain water, and you sprinkle it with a pinch of salt, and in the evening you go quietly to bed. Then, during the night, the gold coin sprouts and blossoms, and next morning, when you get up, and return to the field, what do you find?"

naso di pinocchioTouch Pinocchio’s nose!

  1. The Gluttonous Dream
  2. The sweets of Pistoia - Bruno Corsini
  3. The Chocolate Factory – La Molina
  1. The Coins of Gold
  2. Brand-new
  1. A special Geppetto
  2. The Travels of Marino
  1. The fruits of gold
  2. Hesperidarium - The garden of citrus tree
  1. The wooden body
  2. The Machines of Leonardo
  1. Inside the cave
  2. A bit of adventure
  1. From log of wood to the puppet
  2. Let’s use our hands
  1. When I was a puppet
  2. Everyone at the theater

pinocchioSviluppo Turistico Collodi

Via Pasquinelli, 6 - 51012 Pescia -
Telefono:+ 39 0572 429613
Fax:+ 39 0572 429614
Partita Iva 01829890472



The House of Pinocchio
The Land of toys
The Water
The Animals
The Paper