The Tuscany of Pinocchio

"Brrrr! It makes me shudder at the mere thought of it!"

The water

Crossing water
.... Walking on Water - The Lipu Oasis

oasi lipuIThe marsh harrier, ash egret, little egret, snipe, coot, mallard, cetti’s warbler, cormorant, grebe, swallow, house martin, stilt, great bittern, tufted heron… are only some of the species of aquatic birds that can be admired with the help of the environmental guides of the Oasi LIPU on Lake Massaciuccoli.

Walking on the water, along the wooden walkway built between reeds and sedges, you will find yourself immersed in a unique environment where, if you are lucky, you can observe even fish, shrimp and many aquatic plants such as the marsh orchid and the pink hibiscus.

For those with a passion for bird watching and nature photography, what could be better than a trip in a small boat. Following the narrow canals, the Lipu guides will conduct you to the innermost hidden places to enjoy in absolute silence the sounds and emotions of the marshlands.

And to end the day…a boat ride at sunset, when the lake is bathed in flaming light.
Read the info of the LIPU Oasis


Info Struttura

Oasi LIPU Massaciuccoli

Indirizzo: Via del Porto, 6 Massaciuccoli – Massarosa

Telefono: +39 0584 975567



Adatto a: Adulti e Bambini

Giorni e orari di apertura:
Per i visitatori non organizzati l’ingresso è libero e gratuito, tutti i giorni dall’alba al tramonto. Per i gruppi organizzati con guide proprie, concordare la data della visita con il personale dell’Oasi, ed effettuare il biglietto di ingresso di 3 €

E' richiesta la prenotazione
: Si

Durata visita: da 2 ore a tutta la giornata

Struttura Accessibile: Varie attività sono agibili ai diversamente abili

Ingresso animali: Si

  1. Crossing water
  2. Walking on Water - The Lipu Oasis
  3. The city of the herons – The Marshes of Fucecchio
  1. Drinking water
  2. Let’s visit the Spa
  1. The regenerating water
  2. An ancient grotto

pinocchioSviluppo Turistico Collodi

Via Pasquinelli, 6 - 51012 Pescia -
Telefono:+ 39 0572 429613
Fax:+ 39 0572 429614
Partita Iva 01829890472



The House of Pinocchio
The Land of toys
The Water
The Animals
The Paper